Chapel Hill, North Carolina August 26, 2014 – Retirement Options, the leading global provider of retirement coach certification and retirement readiness assessments, announced today that eleven new coaches from across the globe successfully achieved the designation of Certified Retirement Coach. The ten-week certification course required to achieve this designation provides in-depth training to ensure coaches are well versed in the use of two scientifically designed and validated non-financial retirement planning assessment tools, the Retirement Success™ Profile and the Life Options™ Profile.
Those certified included Betty Baxter, Ed.D., ACC of Baxter Coaching & Consulting, Kit Henderson of KCH Coaching, Kathleen Schoenbaum of Retirement – Beyond Financials; Carol Matheson of Discover Life Coaching; Lorelei Fiset of Retirement Dreams; G. Grant Bateman of Granted Living Today; Marianne Oehser of Between Two Hearts; Leah Shmerling of Crown Coaching and Training; Stephan Vollenbroek; Herbert B. Casey; and Mary Morency. Pre-approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the Retirement Options’ certification course provides coaches the opportunity to apply up to 36 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours, including 14 hours of Core Competencies and 22 hours of Resource Development, toward their ICF requirements.
“The aging baby boomer generation has greatly increased the number of individuals approaching retirement,” commented David P. Hemmer, President and CEO of Career Partners International, the parent of Retirement Options. “Certified coaches like these are able to meet the ever-increasing demand for retirement coaching outside of financial planning. This certification will, without a doubt, bring immense value to their coaching practices and their clients, and we’re pleased to see them achieve their Certified Retirement Coach designation.”
Using the results of these assessments as a foundation, Certified Retirement Options Coaches have helped thousands of individuals, couples and employees of corporate clients to assess their retirement readiness and create more successful retirement plans. Retirement Options features a directory of over 850 certified coaches around the world, helping individuals connect with local certified coaches to plan for and enjoy a more fulfilling retirement.
The next certification course will be held from October 13 to December 15, 2014, and the course will be led by Joanne Waldman, the Director of Training for Retirement Options. For more information about the course, please email Rosalie Hoffmann at success@retirementoptions3.azurewebsites.net.
About Retirement Options
Founded in 1989 to help individuals focus on the critical non-financial facets of retirement planning, Retirement Options is the leading global provider of retirement coach certification, and its two retirement readiness assessments: the Retirement Success™ Profile and the Life Options™ Profile. By exploring various aspects of life impacted by retirement such as work, family, leisure, wellness and personal development, these pre-retirement assessments enable individuals to plan for and enjoy a more fulfilling retirement. Retirement Options is a division of Career Partners International. Additional information can be found by visiting www.retirementoptions.com.
About Career Partners International
Career Partners International enhances organizational performance and people’s lives every day! As a global leader in talent management consulting since 1987, organizations of all sizes and industries trust Career Partners International for the very best outcomes to their most challenging and important talent strategies and initiatives. With the most experienced and respected consultants in more than 45 countries, Career Partners International provides clients with one-on-one access to local experts in talent development, career management, executive coaching, outplacement and career transition services to successfully assess, engage, develop and transition talent to drive organizational performance. More information may be found at www.cpiworld.com.