Retirement Options™, a division of Career Partners International (CPI) announces Recertification Program is Approved for Continued Coach Education (CCE) by the International Coach Federation (ICF). In January 2017, CPI successfully rolled out a recertification program exclusive for active certified Retirement Options™ coaches. The recertification program was created and developed as a critical need to ensure quality of certification as a professional Retirement Coach and also the validity of the retirement preparedness assessment tools Retirement Success Profile™ and the LifeOptions Profile™. Both instruments have helped clients and retirees for over two decades to prepare for and enjoy a more fulfilling retirement.
Retirement Options™ Certified Coaches are equipped with the tools, training and support to effectively coach the largest demographic in the world: baby boomers. Several hundreds of coaches, human resource professionals, counselors, social workers, and financial advisors have earned their certification and proudly display the seal of Certified Retirement Coach from Retirement Options™.
The Retirement Options™ Recertification Program insures a service commitment to the professional growth of our certified coaches and obligations to global clients. It also demonstrates a high level of competence, expertise and knowledge in a niche, ever changing and growing field with opportunities for lifelong learning and career development in retirement coaching, lifestyle planning, and trends of the aging population.
“The Retirement Options course is the program that I should have completed five years ago before I retired! I was thrilled to find such a concise and relevant course that covered every major aspect of retirement. The course also fit nicely alongside my familiarity with personality types and coincided with my own personal philosophy of making a positive difference with my life. I look forward to sharing this program with others!” – Jim Peak Retirement Options™ Certified Retirement Coach.
About Retirement Options:
Wholly owned by Career Partners International, Retirement Options was founded in 1989 to help individuals focus on the critical non-financial facets of retirement planning, Retirement Options certifies coaches in two assessments, the Retirement Success™ Profile and the Life Options™ Profile. These scientifically designed and validated pre-retirement assessments enable individuals to plan for and enjoy a more fulfilling retirement by exploring various aspects of life impacted by retirement such as work, family, leisure, wellness, and personal development.
Working with Retirement Options certified coaches, thousands of individuals, couples and employees of corporate clients have assessed their “retirement readiness” and benefited tremendously by using their assessment results as building blocks to create more successful retirement plans! With a directory of over 850 certified coaches around the world, Retirement Options™ helps individuals connect globally with certified coaches to plan for and enjoy a fulfilling retirement.
The next Retirement Options Certification Programs commences on March 6, 2018. Contact Corine Neal for information or to enroll.