Over the past few years, our career coaching practice has been attracting a growing percentage of clients who want to talk about retirement planning – not just career planning. I have wondered why this is. Is it because people are becoming more aware, educated and savvy about the subject of… Read More ›
Can Dogs Teach Us Something about Retirement
I love dogs, especially my dog, Carly, a Wheaten Terrier. Besides being a delightful companion, she’s smart, adorable, and howls like Carly Simon hitting high notes. So, with pleasure I watched the 142nd Westminster Dog Show recently. During the show, I was struck by the number of dogs that the… Read More ›
“After the Cheering Stops”
What do Baby Boomers and elite athletes have in common? Yes, they enjoy sports, albeit from a very different perspective. And they both retire from their careers. But one of the many things they do not have in common is the age at which they retire. Most boomers do so… Read More ›
How to Prepare for Retirement in 2018
As we approach 2018, those who would like to retire in the next year have several things they can start doing to make that transition with ease. Eva is doing all the right things to help her retirement go smoothly when she decides to retire. She says “I am still… Read More ›
Among Life’s Biggest Decisions
Late in your career, typically during your 50s and 60s, your thoughts and actions turn to retirement—leaving the 9 to 5 workforce—either of your own choosing or other circumstances. Some share their thoughts, feelings, and plans with others. Many keep these personal questions to themselves, uncertain where to go or… Read More ›
Find a Compelling Intention to Sustain Your Retirement Life
A client of ours, “Steve,” and his wife retired to Sun City, AZ believing this was for them. “We know two couples who moved here and so we visited a lot and, even, spent a few weekends at their places. It seemed like we too should move here. But we… Read More ›
Working and Super Aging – 4 Strategies for Retirement Coaches
As Retirement Coaches, we understand the importance of a whole life approach to success and fulfillment after retirement, and we help our clients to examine their level of preparedness and take actions to create the optimal planning for them. For the 51% or more of people who think about working… Read More ›
Retirement Success
“The whole notion of retirement has been radically changed. Formerly we thought of retirement as the beginning of the end; today we simply think of retirement as a new beginning. The retirement transition is actually the beginning of a new career/life stage called RENEWAL.” Richard P. Johnson, Ph.D., author of… Read More ›
The Perils and Promises of Retirement
There is an emerging trend in retirement today that not only avoids the all-too-common decline in relevance and quality of life that so many experience, but offers instead the opportunity to continually grow and thrive throughout this unique phase of life. Traditional views of retirement presume a progressive decline in… Read More ›
“New Retirement Planning — Everyone WINS!”
As Human Resources professionals, your radar screen has been attuned to the subject of an ageing workforce for several years. You have run the numbers for your own company’s demographics and know how the retirement of the largest generation of workers in history, the Baby Boomers, will affect your business…. Read More ›