Lars Bolin CoachLars thinklars@gmail.com http://www.coachlars.com |
Anthony A. Carangelo The Growth Coach of Central New York PO Box 370 Verona Beach, NY 13162-0370 (315) 391-1156 A.Carangelo@TheGrowthCoach-CNY.com http://www.TheGrowthCoach-CNY.com |
EVA CENTENO Eva Centeno 9178827671 evacenteno4@gmail.com http://evacenteno.com |
Hal Flantzer CareerFutures Kew Gardens, NY 11415 718-812-1360 careerhal@gmail.com http://www.careerfutures.net |
James Frawley Frawley Coaching & Consulting Scarsdale, NY 10583 coach@jimfrawley.com http://www.jimfrawley.com |
Candace Kaiser Candy Kaiser & Associates PO Box 351 Orchard Park, NY 14127 716-867-2093 coachcandy@candykaiser.com http://www.candykaiser.com |
Anthony Markusz Heritage Wealth Advisors, a Private Wealth Advisory Practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC 7525 SE 24th St Suite 120 Mercer Island, WA 98040 425.709.2345 Anthony.Markusz@ampf.com |
CPI Rochester TalentBridge HR Advisory 7 Linden Park Rochester, NY 14625 585-381-0810 tioele@er-associates.com http://www.cpiworld.com/rochester |